Vake Park Tbilisi

Vake Park is a favorite recreation area at the end of the Vake district in Tbilisi. Cultivated at the foot of the bare slope of Trialeti Range, 200 hectares were allocated to create a green belt. Its construction began in 1946 and was dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

There are fountains and a pool in the center. On both sides of the cascade there are long staircases. On top of the hill there is a World War II Memorial, and at the bottom – there is a sculpture of an unknown soldier with a whole fire lit. The Vake Park cascade is one of the largest in Europe.

Vake Park has an outdoor cinema, restaurants, cafes and bars. The Mikhail Meskhi stadium is located next to the park. The cable car will take passengers to Turtle Lake from the outskirts of the park and from Chavchavadze Avenue.

  • Free admission.
  • Opening hours of the cable car: every day 10: 00-22: 00 (subject to weather conditions)
  • One-way cable car cost: 2 GEL
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