Batumi Botanical Garden

The huge territory of the Botanical Garden extends over 110 hectares, located between Mtsvane Kontskhi (Green Cape) and the river Chakvistskali estuary, occupying about 1 km of the coastline and being spread to the height of 0-220 meters above sea level, which not long time ago was fully covered with endemic Colchis type forest (beech, chestnut, linden) and evergreen sub-forest.

Batumi Botanical Garden – one of the largest botanical garden houses the collection of the most unique and beautiful plants of the world and serves as a significant center for researching and preserving rare species through its scientific library, herbarium, and seed foundation.

In the 80s famous gardeners Michael D`Alfons, Olinski, Triandafilis, Solovtsev, Diadusha, Porai-Koshitse, Stoianov, Veru and others launched exotic plant species to the Black Seaside. French gardener Michael D’alfons was the first to introduce new plants in Adjara in 1881, in order to decorate his garden nearby Chakvi. To celebrate his contribution to the development of the garden and the boulevard, a bronze sculpture of Michael D’alfons was installed in the boulevard in 2012.

Later, in 1892, famous botanist, geographer, and traveler Pavel Tatarinov founded a so-called “Acclimatization Garden” on Batumi coastline, which is nowadays known as the “Upper Park”.

Foundation of Batumi Botanical Garden itself is related to Andrei Krasnov – a prominent Russian Geographer, Botanist, and Professor from Kharkov University. The Garden officially opened on November 3, 1912. Georgian agronomist-decorator Iason Gordezian also greatly contributed to its decoration and cultivation.

Currently, floristic diversity of the territory is incorporated in 3 parks and 9 phyto-geographic departments, including North America, South America, Mexico, East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Himalaya, Mediterranean, and Caucasus subtropical sections. From 2,037 hardwood species growing here, 104 is endemic Caucasian, and 1,540 is introduced.

The garden annually receives thousands of tourists, surprising its visitors with century-long parks, 125-year old flowery magnolias, Japanese sakura gardens, unique collections of subtropical flora, palm trees, evergreen sequoias, succulents, canary date palm, citrus, bamboos, cactuses, roses, camellias, nut, pine-trees, persimmon and maple tree collections, cozy landscapes and panoramic views.

The following services are available on spot: guide’s assistance, picnic, camping, purchase of decorative plants, marriage service, etc.

Since 1998 Batumi Botanical Garden is a board member of Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI), connected with over 140 botanical gardens from around the world, as well as with the leading universities and scientific-research centers, sharing scientific information and working on the joint strategies of Botanical Gardens.

  • Working hours: every day 09:00-18:00
  • The staff speaks Georgian, English, Russian, and German

  • Prices: Ticket for adult: 15 Gel
  • Guide service:

Walking guide – 1.5 h max – 50 GEL

Electric bus guide – 40 minutes – 30 GEL

Electric Vehicle service: the tourist route from the Main entrance of the University or Green Cape to the Seaside Part (or vice versa) to the final destination- 5 GEL

Electric Vehicle individual service: during an hour – 60 GEL


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